The Dan Woodger Illustration Block Party Podcast is an ideal listen if you are someone looking to develop your creative skill set. Dan is a fantastic example of someone who jumps straight in at the deep end, and swims.
And he knows what it’s like to chase his creative passion.
Having been based in London for the majority of his career, Dan has built up a consistent profile and style. And all through hard work and knocking on doors both metaphorically and physically.
In the Illustration Block Party Podcast episode also elaborates on how he avoids procrastination, how he collaborates with others and the importance of understanding how to work with clients.
Dan talks about the anxiety around winning work, how he’s built personal connections and why it’s important to avoid ‘fads’. Additionally he talks about nailing down a ‘style’, and why that’s important.
If you haven’t seen Dan’s work, you really should.
By winning work first and figuring out how to make it happen after, Dan has learned the hard way about being client facing. Particularly working with Line and Pepsi.
This is the sixth episode of the Illustration Insights series and there will be plenty more to follow. The fifth was from Tash Wilcocks. Each episode explores the views and insights of some of the globes most prolific illustration talent.
We want to highlight each person’s journey, their experiences and where you can learn from them.
You can listen below and if you like what you here, please subscribe and we can send you the latest episodes. That and we can track and monitor every aspect of your life. Only joking… or are we?
If you want to attend the next Block Party, you can buy tickets here.
We hope you enjoy.
I'm co-founder of Crazy Animal Face, host of the CAF Podcast, and compere of our CAF events. My views are my own.
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